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Mineral Fire

On August 12, 2016 I was at the Mineral Fire. The Mineral Fire is located north of Coalinga off of Hwy 198. While I was there I was stationed at Drop Zones 1 and 2, as well as base camp. While I was there I took the opportunity to on my down time to meet and photograph many of the fire fighters and equipment that were present. Departments that I encoutered included, but were not limited to American Ambulance, Jackson Fire, Siskiyou Fire, Ione Fire, Amadero fire, the National Forestry Service, Liberty Fire, and many other Cal Fire and local agencies. I was not able to be on the line to catch them in action, but I did see many of them preparing or coming back in.

At the time these images were created the fire has covered 7,050 acres and is 50% contained. The crews out on the line are primarily mopping up and taking care of hot spots. There is a total of 1,773 personnel present on 207 different apparatus and 55 hand crews. 

To all of you out there that are there: Thank you and stay safe.

Please feel free to copy, share, and save the images. If you would like prints of any of the images please feel free to contact me.

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